Food Swaps for Healthy Living

There are three different types or patterns of stress that affect our nervous system. The three different types are chemical, physical, or emotional stress. Of the patterns of stress, food is under the chemical category.

When it comes to living a vibrant and healthy life we have to talk about food because of that. Food provides our body with the nutrients it needs to rebuild and restore. If you are putting in junk food, then the body will have junk building blocks. Junk food is also filled with pesticides which can sit in your body for years.

On the other hand, if you put in healthy food, then the body will have healthy building blocks and you don’t have to worry about the chemical overload.

Start here:
The first step to finding healthier food options is to look at the EWG clean fifteen and dirty dozen each year it comes out. The dirty dozen and the clean fifteen have been released for 2023 by the Environmental Working Group for this year so let’s talk about it.

EWG ranks the pesticide contamination of 46 popular fruits and vegetables. The guide is based on test results by the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration of more than 46,000 samples of produce.

It is important to note that the samples are tested for pesticides after they have been prepared to be eaten. This means the produce has been thoroughly washed and, when applicable, peeled.

After these preparations, pesticide residues are still detected on many of the fruits and veggies.

One should always buy organic but if you are on a budget you will be safer sticking to the clean fifteen that they have released. Then, buy organic of the dirty dozen.

Save the images below for this year!

For more info you can check out their website.

If you are ready to take it up a notch
We are in Spring, even though it doesn’t fully feel like it yet here in Minnesota, which means it’s CSA sign-up season. Joining a CSA is an easy way to make a healthy shift when it comes to your food.

The term CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture”. Essentially it’s a partnership with a farm and mother earth providing weekly produce boxes. It’s a good way to hold yourself accountable to eating vegetable-filled meals and then you know where your food is coming from.

Benefits of joining a CSA:

  1. It supports local. Small business is not limited to just brick and mortar buildings, it’s also local farmers. When you support local, the profits benefit your community.
  2. Choice in where your food comes from. When you know the farmer, you know where your food is coming from and how it was raised.
  3. It encourages healthy food options. When you sign up for a CSA you get to introduce the freshest and ripest options going that week.
  4. It encourages trying new food. You may get produce you have yet to try so it expands your pallet and keeps life fun and interesting.
  5. It’s affordable. When you buy in bulk with a local farmer it keeps it priced right and you will often save more money.

Join the CSA that Dr. Jessica joined here.