The colors on the leaves are changing, cabins are closing, and kids are back to school. These are all examples of transition energy, energy needed to carry out new routines. Can you feel it? Maybe your shoulders are a little more scrunched. Maybe your breath is a little more shallow.
Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
With new routines and transitions, our brains have a lower threshold for stress. When this happens, there are notable changes you can make to help you adapt. More about that later.
You might have a lower threshold for stress if you are driving with the radio on because it’s just simply too loud.
You might have a lower threshold for stress if you have to pull your hair away from your face when you have a top bun.
You might have a lower threshold for stress if you suddenly snap at your spouse for something silly.
When our brains are overstimulated, any unexpected sensory input can be overwhelming. During times of transition it’s important to recognize our stress patterns and have the tools ready to “de-stress”.
One of my favorite phrases is, “Control the Controllables.” I don’t know who said it first but I know it’s a mantra that’s repeated by many wise individuals. We can’t stop the seasons from changing. We can’t stop the bus from running late, etc., etc. Those are things out of our control and stressing about them is fruitless. All you have to do is let. them. go.
Instead, focus on what you can control. You can control your thoughts and your actions. Let’s break them down even more into actionable steps.
Here are 5 tools to help with transitions and things you can control:
Tool Number One: Give Yourself Grace
Our brains love routine and when they have to change up the average day to day activities, it naturally feels overstimulated. It happens to the best of us. Just remember it’s normal and don’t beat yourself up about it.
Tool Number Two: Remember, It’s Temporary
Before you know it, your brain will be used to the new routine. You just have to get through the overstimulated days. And, yes, “this too will pass.”
Tool Number Three: Say Yes to Less
Categorize the things on your calendar to the things you WANT to do vs. the things you NEED to do. Cutting out more of the wants for a week or two can help de-stress you between necessary activities.
Tool Number Four: Organize and Prepare
Having a clean environment can clean your mind too because it can help you feel in control. You’ll know where everything is without additional stress and chaos. Think of cleaning out your car, house, or office.
Tool Number Five: Ask for Help
Sometimes delegation is the answer. Ask for help from your spouse or significant other, so you’re both on the same page and can split up tasks. There is also my favorite local OrgANNEizer who offers phone consults for organizing or personal assistant tasks. She’s known for decluttering, organizing, and even running errands. You can get a free quote here or call her business line at 612-558-9586.
(Work smarter, not harder.)
I’m here for you if you need any extra support in the office,
Dr. Jessica